New Solar Oven Cooks Food Even WhenYou Don't Have Wood, Gas, or Electricity!
Cook Food
Using Only The Sun!
Now You Can Harness the Power of the Sunto Cook Up Delicious Meals Anywhere!

The list of threats the U.S. faces grows with every passing week. Hyper-inflation. Economic collapse. Terrorism. EMP attack. Any of these (or a combination of them) could quickly knock the legs out of the fragile U.S. food distribution and energy systems, leaving millions of unprepared Americans to fend for themselves.
Obviously, cooking a meal would be impossible for most people without electricity or natural gas. A stove would become nothing more than a useless hunk of metal; a microwave nothing more than a plastic box.
And that's why I want to tell you about the new solar oven from Solutions from Science -- a compact portable device that will cook anything using only the power of the sun!
New Solar Oven Cooks Food Even When You Don't Have Wood, Gas, or Electricity!
This new solar oven could be just what you need to help you survive an emergency, a widespread disaster, or even the collapse of the aging U.S. electrical grid.

With a solar oven you can cook just about anything so long as the sun is shining. And with the built-in thermometer, you can make sure your food is cooked thoroughly so it is 100% safe to eat. (Most meats should be cooked at 140-165 degrees Fahrenheit -- the solar oven can reach temperatures up to 400 degrees!)
Here's the best part: The solar oven is portable... durable... and super-easy to use. All you need is a pot (dark-colored ones work best). Align the oven with the sun to “preheat” it. Put the food inside the pot, place the pot on the preheated solar oven... and voilà! Your food will start cooking.
Believe it or not, cook times are fairly similar between a traditional oven and the solar oven. Of course the solar oven may take a bit longer if clouds get in the way. But overall, your food will cook fairly fast.

And here's something most people don't know. The food cooked in our solar oven actually...
Tastes Better Than Food Cooked in
a Traditional Oven!
That's because the heat is evenly distributed and the natural juices remain “locked in.” In fact, it's nearly impossible to burn a meal using your solar oven due to the how evenly the food is cooked. You don't even have to stir it!
The Solutions from Science solar oven is perfect for:

Survival - Cook anything, anywhere, so long as the sun is shining. Cooks meat (including small and large game), vegetables, and more. The perfect survival oven to have on hand in case there is a disruption in electricity or natural gas supplies.

Camping - Want a back-up in case your gas-powered stove runs out of fuel? The solar oven is the perfect solution -- much simpler and safer than trying to cook over an open fire.

Fishing - Cook your fish right after you catch it! It'll be the freshest, best-tasting fish you've ever tried. And get this: It doesn't even matter if it's below freezing outside. So long as there's sun, you've got “fire” to cook with.
The truth is, the Solutions from Science solar oven can be used to cook just about any food, anywhere, and in any situation! It's convenient, easy-to-use, and...
It's Totally FREE to Operate!
A conventional oven is usually the biggest energy hog in the house. Just one hour on medium heat sucks up 3 kilowatt hours of energy. And if you've done much cooking, then you probably know that the heat that escapes the oven can make your kitchen uncomfortably warm.
The solar oven, on the other hand, won't cost you a penny to operate because it's powered exclusively by the sun. So long as the sun is shining, you'll have a source of unlimited FREE energy to cook with! Plus, your kitchen will stay comfortable -- a real blessing if you live in a hot climate.
Getting a solar oven for yourself is important so you're prepared for any emergency or disaster the moment it strikes. But it's not only about being prepared -- it's about being smart, saving money, and conserving precious natural resources. Why use wood, electricity, or natural gas if you can cook just as well with the energy from the sun?
Act Now... And Start Enjoying
Your New Solar Oven!
The solar oven from Solutions from Science is one of the highest quality units on the market today. It's made from tough durable materials so it can stand up to heavy use in rugged conditions. It comes with a comfortable handle (for easy carrying), heavy duty reflectors, and a leveling leg so you can easily adjust the oven to fully face the sun.

As Seen On National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers
The cost of the solar oven is just $349.95 -- a real bargain since you'll be able to keep and use your solar oven for the rest of your life. Cook as many meals as you want and never pay so much as a penny for fuel!
We fully back all the products we sell, so if you ever have a problem with your solar oven, please let us know and we'll make it right.
There's never been a better time to own your own solar oven. It could be a real life-saver when hard times happen. Go ahead and click the link below to order your solar oven now.
Buy Yours Today!
Only $349.95 + $45.00 Shipping & Handling

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P.S. Since this is the first time Solutions from Science has offered a solar oven, they've only stocked a few in their inventory. Please order now to claim yours before they're sold out.
Call Today!
You can also order by sending a check or money order to:
Solutions From Science
Attn. Solar Oven
2200 IL Rte 84
P.O. Box 518
Thomson, IL 61285